Monday, April 30, 2012


Welcome to my e-Portfolio!

In my e-portfolio you will find some of my best collections thus far. Over time I will add more pieces that exemplify my understanding of rhetoric and civic life. This portfolio serves not only as a showcase, but also a time portal of my progress through this class. As I first dreaded writing and giving speeches with every bone in my body, I know feel that I can take on this task with much more preparation.
So far this e-portfolio contains a speech, a written assignemnt, and blogs; however, I have every intention of updating it throughout my years here at Penn State. I hope you enjoy reading my selections!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

First Impressions Count


From a young age we are told to be original. However, we do not usually implement this piece of advice. Starting at middle school we tend to follow the trends a fads our friend go through. I remember all the phases I went through growing up-at the expense of my parents of course. When the new and improved gadgets would come out, I wanted them. I remember not even liking Bratz dolls that much, but since all my friends had them, I in turn felt obliged to join the band wagon. I feel like the concept applies to the i-phone.
Many people automatically buy an iphone because of the great publicity it receives. Even professors expect students to have an iPhone as a reference for online dictionaries and in-class access to the internet. So what is it that makes an iPhone such a desired piece of merchandise?
For starters, the specifications of an iPhone do not compare with that of the new androids (Samsung Galaxy S2, Nexus). Additionally, i-Phones put a much larger dent in your wallet. The android allows the user to process thing much faster on an android, and the display screen is larger. So what makes Apple better? It bases their products on looks, not on performance.
We are also told not to judge a book by its cover. However, with such a sleek and eye-catching item such as the i-Phone, it is hard to step back and ask ourselves how functional it really is compared with other mobile devices. It is easier to look around at our friends and decide to follow the trend. After all, you don’t want to be “that kid” on the block without the newest gadget.
Appearance is what can make or break a product. In a marketing society, people want a functional, yet appealing product. The iPhone is so successful for it pertains to many social groups; ranging from professionals to teenagers, its sleek shell and enticing touch-screen draw in all potential buyers. Other companies are put at a severe disadvantage as soon as this trend takes off, and thye must then dedicate all their time to find a way to advertise their products.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Power of Words

I never really understood bench trials or jury trials before taking this class. I always thought that having one person decide your fate is so old fashioned and autonomous. Why wouldn’t you want a panel of 12 citizens deciding your fate instead, where there is room for negotiation? The answer lies within a game of rhetoric. With a jury, a lawyer or prosecutor channels most of their arguments towards the jury. They use ethos, pathos, and especially logos to gain the vote of the jury. Our criminal justice system is not always accurate for decisions are based on how well an argument is presented. A criminal might be set free if they have the best lawyer in town, or, similarly, an innocent person might be but behind bars if the prosecutor won the appeal of the jury. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of a jury and bench trial?
With a judge there is typically less emotion involved. They usually deal with technical legal issues that a jury might not be able to understand. The judge serves as both the trier of fact as well as the judge of procedural rulings. All power resides with him/her. Civil legal systems tend to rely more on bench trials rather than jury trials. Child custody and divorce hearings can get very complicated and twisted with a jury, and therefore are most often presented in front of a judge only. Cases in which a prominent individual’s figure might be put at stake (perhaps a senator or a celebrity) are also usually categorized under a bench trial. Juvenile crimes, in which a jury’s emotional appeal for a younger defendant might get in the way of their judgment is usually assigned to a bench trial.
Many times a civil lawsuit will be automatically assigned a bench trial, for it is less time consuming. All the time of sequestering a jury, choosing the individuals to serve on the jury, and informing them of their duties can be saved. However, there are times when a jury trial may benefit the defendant. In many criminal cases there is not always a total agreement of the jury, and the defendant may either be set free or given a favorable plea bargain.  Many times it is not dependent on the logos but the ethos that a lawyer presents to the jury. Ethos plays a major role in jury trials. This is why there is a sequestering and interviewing process before a trial to make sure the choices are as unbiased as possible. Of course there are flaws to each system, but when not abused they work efficiently (in theory).

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Gone too Far..

The twenty first century is like an ameba; it takes no shape. It is continuously changing, with no boundaries and seemingly no rules. Has it gone too far?

Today it is assumed most people have an i-phone (not including myself). It has become a common place. Who waits at a bus stop anymore when there is a catabus app? Who brings dictionaries to class when you can just log onto the internet through your i-phone? There are thousands of apps that come out weekly, each making life “easier.” I never saw anything wrong with these apps. That is until they started to infringe of my privacy.

“Girls around me” is a new app that has flared up and created much controversy-with good reason. It scans the city for profiles of women and men that are near to the i-phone holder’s location. On the very website it promotes the use of this app with phrases like, “This foursquare-based tool helps you see where nearby girls are checking in, and shows you what they look like and how to get in touch! You can also search for guys or see who’s hanging out at a particular place.” Another, even more disturbing slogan states, “In the mood for love, or just after a one-night stand? Girls Around Me puts you in control! Reveal the hottest nightspots, who’s in them, and how to reach them...”

I don’t know about the users, but I myself would rename this app to “Stalker’s best friend.” In a day an age where rapists are not strangers that hide behind bushes, but who impersonate a classmate or friend via the internet, shouldn’t this app be sending red lights to us?

This app literally acts as a tracking device. Everything from our pictures to our personal information is shown with this application. Dropping It allows the user to pin point on a map where a person checked in on. People now turn into locations on a Google map.  One has the ability to tap on a picture to connect to his or her Facebook account and other directories that contains her personal information.

Still think it’s a harmless app? Perhaps these statistics about cyber stalking will sway your opinion:

  • More than one mil­lion women are stalked annu­ally in the US
  • One in twelve women and one in forty-five men will be stalked in their lifetimes
  • Vic­tims of cyber stalking tend to be females between 18–29 years of age (Copyright © 1997-2012 WHOA)

Sometimes cut and dry statistics can be the logos that persuades an audience. It is not always fun to be slapped in the face with reality, but the world we live in is not a safe place. Unfortunately, as time progresses and more and more of our personal life is shared via the internet, we must take more precautions in order to avoid becoming apart of another ever building victim statistic…